Thread: wow
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Old 09-02-2010, 10:23 AM   #15
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Posts: 520
Ok since dolphins are so sophisticated, and such amazing creatures, with human like qualities (that you all idenfity with)

why wont be give them all work Visa and or make them US citezins, have them work for the navy, pay taxes, and contribute to society?
have the purpose at Seaworld beocme unionized...

They eat Gorillas and monkeys in Africa... why shouldnt we be protesting that too? in fact acording to science they are genetically 99% something like us? They posess all the same qualities.

Its becuase they are cute, that gets people so animated. It has nothing to do with how smart the animal is.

Look im just saying food is food. People of differant cultures eat differant things. How smart an animal is has nothing to do with how it taste. we dont have a right to nanny state the world from yummy creatures that they eat. We dont allow whaling and dolphin eating here in the USA that should be good enough.
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