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Old 07-15-2014, 10:08 PM   #9
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Seven minutes from the launch!
Posts: 987
All hands on deck.

I think the title of this week's update really sums it up. The entire Southern California Coast (and points beyond) lit up and rose to nothing short of white-hot levels. Everything from wide-open (larger grade) Bluefin Tuna well to the South. Huge spots of Yellowfin Tuna mixed in between and hanging off kelps, in and around Dolphin schools, etc. To some Coastal Squid nests up North continuing to do their thing. Local paddy action with the usual suspects underneath, you name it, a blind-Monkey could have caught fish the last couple of weeks.

Even the resurgence of rat-Yellowtail and the Bonita to go along with it. I'm sure many local anglers got a chance to call in sick the last fourteen days to go fishing. And some of us poor souls who actually fish for a living -- the opportunity to take a day off? Would rank right up there with escaping from North Korea! Just day after relentless day of getting burnt to a crisp under the ever present sun. By the time I got to say farewell after packing fish in ice each day? The next thing I know that damn alarm clock was going off again. And repeat.

Thus, Fish Porn Friday, taking a back seat due to computer time. Or lack there of coming to a grinding halt. Sorry about that; it just is what it is. After I missed my first update I thought about just throwing up a slew of photos from the week. But the truth is every photo comes with a story attached. And who's going to say what guy's story doesn't matter? Certainly not I. So, out of respect for these fish and the stories to go along with them. Late once again, behind on the updates, holding out on the goods, etc -- guilty as charged.

Originally Posted by blitzburgh View Post
Great read and photos, man
Really great to meet you, brother. And thanks for all the positive feedback; seriously. That time you're accruing on the water will add up and the dividends will follow.

Originally Posted by Tandem Assassin View Post
Josh did mention he may not be timely with his Friday contributions but I sure missed last weeks "Fish Porn Friday". Must be field research..
Pretty much nailed it on the head, brother. Field research, capitalize with clients based off of said notes from the field, more research and more domination of local patterns. This, Jeff, guy really knows what's up!

Originally Posted by chris138 View Post

David Attenborough accent: "The deadly spear wielding darkhorse stalks it's prey, presently unaware of the large observers below. In the unlikely event that he is unable to ambush an unsuspecting fish, he uses is bristly whiskers to filter krill from the ocean, thus supplementing his voracious appetite."

Dude how the hell do you dive with that fat handlebar stash!?! These are his true secrets which will remain shrouded in legend.

With every picture, another series of questions. Love the thread Josh keep it up!
Deadly is right, Chris. Catch and release is one thing, but spear and release is another. My new gun is so powerful that fish just roll over and die upon sight. No need to even fire the thing. When I miss fish with it? They just look at me like: Holy shit -- what in the hell was that! You still diving?

In regards to the mask, I was told early on by a true hardcore diver (not an impostor like myself) that I had two options. Mind you this guy looked like Tom Hanks from the movie, Castaway. He said I could either keep it shaved like a babies bottom or just grow a gnarly beard. Apparently the gnarlier the better. Being that I haven't shaved with a razor for years? I opted for the latter, of course.

Anyway, with no further ado. Here's a few photos that just might have never seen the light of day. Prior to this thread that is. If they make you giggle a bit, want to wear camouflaged leotards and play water Polo whilst wielding a big stick, pack your crap and go fishing -- or puke? Is entirely up to you.

The only thing cooler than catching an eight pound Calico Bass? Watching your seven year old son, Bennet, here catching one all by himself. This man-child can already free dive down to twenty feet. I was watching him in the surf (on a boogie board mind you) during fourth of July celebrations. He freaking catches a wave -- stands up on it and does a three sixty! Hardcore watermen in the making; guaranteed. And inspirational to see for yourself. I was inspired anyway. Then he absolutely destroyed me at some spearfishing game (Freediving Hunter) on his I-Pad.

This fish was a monster. By the rod tip I thought he got hammered by a large Sheephead (as we were dropping to the bottom). Then up comes a trophy Calico Bass. A fish any guy'd be happy to tackle. Much less at seven years old. Released...

Just taking more notes from the field in an attempt to stay on top of moving schools. If the damn things just stayed in one spot...

Might as well make sure the drags are continuing to work in a smooth fashion. Knots are tied to properly, perfect technique, etc -- so I hear practice makes perfect.

Even got a chance to hop in the water for a minute or two since my last update. The closest thing to shooting fish in a barrel...

Probably the biggest challenge? Beyond, not getting wrapped in one's reel line and drowning, of course. Finding a damn paddy in a dessert of nothingness.

In and amongst the selfishness of going swimming for a few? Southern California was blessed with one of the best South swells in years. It just didn't hit San Diego proper with a touch of East in it's heading. Luckily, I lost my wallet a month ago off Dana Point! So, why not kill two birds with one stone and hit Lower Trestles on the way back (during said swell)? Which turned out to be a wise plan when I arrived. With solid double-overhead, freight train, corduroy lines to the horizon. No joke or exaggeration here. I'm talking twenty wave sets with about a two minute lull. So not exactly your typical b.s. Southern California South swell. To top it off? Only sixty guys out at one of the most user friendly waves on the planet. A lot of wash through sets as it was borderline too big for the place. But pretty much more waves than people -- something that never happens at Lowers.

Luckily I happen to know this guy. One of said San Clemente rulers who I had an opportunity to fish with.

Super cool cat who works for Volcom. Regular foot destroyer who throws buckets of spray to the moon. And he kicked this fish's ass, too.

More research and development from right down the street. And another hardcore angler in the making...

Beyond the smoking spool of this fish. This gentlemen got to experience what I'd prefer to never again: pulling as hard as one can on kelp!

Had a very rare opportunity in between work sessions one day. Even more rare was this quick influx of clean water. It just morphed from crap, man this is scary, to Disneyland in a flash! Which just never happens to me; typically the opposite actually.

I mean, clear water isn't all that rare in my local haunts. I realize. It's just that I've almost never had an opportunity to shoot one of these when that happens. Apparently, God, was shining on my limited window of time on this day. One of my easiest recoveries 'ta boot. Something which I typically dread before even dawning my suit. Pretty much the closest thing to a perfect dive -- if there is such a thing.

Here's hoping each and everyone of you have that, "fall in your lap", type of day here soon. Have the giant Yellowtail dreams are made of slam your iron with that terrible 30' cast. Have that tiny paddy with no visible life upon first sight, morph into a foaming school of Tuna charging from the depths. May your sabiki-rig get hammered while making bait by a giant, White Sea Bass? Shit happens. And it might as well happen to you. As long as you keep playing the game -- eventually you're bound to get a gimme.
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