Thread: The IPA maps
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Old 11-23-2009, 07:53 PM   #43
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When it comes to the world of kayak fishing,
I don't really care what freakin political party you belong to.

If your a Republican and you voiced support for the work group 3 proposal
you got your name on the chit list

If your a Democrat and you voiced support for the work group 3 proposal
you got your name on the chit list

The Chit list is long
But it would be ridiculously long
and just plain stupid
to try and include the names of those politicians, corporations, organizations or foundations that voiced a strong stance (or any stance) against the MLPA. (That would be the "supporters" or "Our Friends" list)

I do know more than a few "republicans" who are elected officials that took a stance against the MLPA
and I sent Dean Flores a letter of support and thanks along time ago.

But in context, I could really careless what their wider political views are, or frankly where they stand in regards to their religious beliefs.

This is about the MLPA. specifically the South Coast Region MLPA,
and if you are not with us you are against us, period.

United we stand
Divided... we stand around looking like a bunch a dicks.

If you have the name of a politician who needs to be added to the Chit list lets add it...
but remember you don't get on the list by not being proactively against the MLPA
you get on the list for being proactively in support of the MLPA.

And yes Arnold is on the chit list... and he is a "republican", but really he is more of a RINO

Double P.S.
I wish BWE would make a private MLPA board
So these rants would have less eyes on them

Have a nice day
and may God (or whatever floats your yak) Bless you with some awesome fishing and a great Thanksgiving.
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