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Old 04-30-2013, 01:28 PM   #1
wishin' I was fishin'
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Blossom Valley (near El Cajon)
Posts: 148
4/30 LJ report...... slow and cold....

Just got back from a 6:00 - 12:15 trip to La Jolla. Tiny waves and high hopes. There was nobody in sight for about an hour, then a few guys came out.

Plenty of fin bait, but 90% mossbacks. The wind picked up, and it got pretty chilly. I trolled a mac, and tried dropper-loop fresh-frozen squid in 70-85 feet, but absolutely nothing. At least the many seals left me alone. Funny how many are starving, but they have left my macs alone for a few trips. Maybe that's why they are starvin?

Two guys were out in a tandem, and one for the very first time, and wow.... a whale popped up maybe 25' from them. It was very close! Surfaced twice, and we never saw it again.

Always fun, with dolphins, a whale, but no love from anything other than macs.

Also, when getting bait near the kelp, three or four times I pulled up 3 or 4 little blue perch on my sabiki. That has never happened to me before, pretty cool. Then one time, two little orange fish, but not lizard fish.

Anyway, nice to be out, nice to be back, and if you didn't make it today you didn't miss anything. Ain't that nice to know?

Oh yes, when I paddled out, maybe a mile away, way past Scripps Pier, there were birds diving. And on the way back, still diving. I just didn't have it in me to chase the birds for a mile, solo, against the wind, etc..... wondering what they were on though.

Cheers all! Hope to have a more positive post next time. Tony Reyes trip in July!! Time for a nap!
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