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Old 09-08-2014, 10:05 PM   #12
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Rolando
Posts: 85
OK, this is related to an issue I had at LJ a few weeks ago. I had no problems doing drop off. Just pulled up and dropped my gear, my wife sat with the boats for the 20-30 min it took me to find parking and walk back.

We launched and returned, no problem. It was a Saturday, the beach launch area was PACKED with outfitters and big groups of people coming in and out. Like 20 kayaks at a time.

I dumped on the way in and an outfitter was very kind to help me out. No problem, everything was super awesome and we pulled our kayaks up on the beach away from the action. I was a little pissed that I dumped so I went back out and practiced, in and out, in and out. OK, no problems.

I walked the 8 blocks back to my car and started to make the drive back. When I got there I could see my wife was in the process of dragging our boats and all our gear basically up to the sidewalk, past the sandy turnaround loading/unloading zone. Did I mention we had a 3 year old with us? Yeah, dragging 13 foot boats and herding a toddler is a good time all by yourself. She was pissed.

"What's up?"

"A life guard came up and said I had to move. That I wasn't allowed to wait for you. I basically just got kicked off the beach."

We weren't too upset about it. It just didn't make any sense. Our stuff was just like 15 feet off the water and didn't seem to be in anyones way.

What did we do wrong? Are there like unwritten rules at LJ that I need to know about? There sure weren't any signs that said we were somewhere controlled by an outfitter.

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