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Old 10-30-2020, 11:31 AM   #2
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Join Date: Apr 2013
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First of all, I wish you a safe trip and great fishing. If you can take a motorizes vessel, you can fish much better and safer.

Now to the not so positive part.
Are you aware what it takes to fish Baja? The cost of car insurance, the cost of fishing license? Visa?
Where to stay? Gonzaga Bay has a great hotel. Not cheap, but convenient.

There are a lot more to discuss here. It all depends how much experience you have going to Baja.
For example; you can not take a filled spare gas can across the border. You can take an empty one, and you can fill it in Mexico. Same as firewood!

If you do not have Sentri card, the return line at the boarder will be long. Perhaps even longer with Covid issue.

Like I said before, I can go on and on, but I will stop now.

Last edited by Mahigeer; 10-30-2020 at 04:24 PM.
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