Thread: VHF Tips
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Old 09-15-2020, 11:53 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by GregAndrew View Post
Increasing the squelch blocks weaker signals from being broadcast on your radio. Decreasing it will allow you to hear weaker signals to a point, and beyond that point you will have constant static.

I believe the channels recreational watercraft are supposed to stick to are 68 - 72 (but I am sure someone can correct me). That would be for both inshore and offshore.

16 is the emergency contact channel constantly monitored by Coast Guard, Harbor Patrol and others. Generally, if you are going to leave your VHF on, you are supposed to at least have it as one of your scan channels. Weather channel is 1.

You can use any channel (except 16) to radio check, but most harbors will monitor a specific channel for checks.

Our handheld radios get out very weak, but boat and land based models both send and receive stronger. You can hear them from 20+ miles away although they will not hear you from more than about 5.

The VHF signals are very linear too. If there are large obstruction between you and your target (including swells) you will have reduced range.

Your cell phone has more range.
Don't say anything that you wouldn't post on BD (boats scan channels).
Wait for the channel to be clear before speaking.
Don't tie up a channel for more than a minute at a time.
Thanks Greg!!! This is a great summary and a confirmation of a few things I've been slowly learning over the years.

I actually bought a Standard horizon last year because my Uniden failed to consistently transmit with a buddy just a quarter mile away. Took me a while to realize that LOS, even in swell, can be a big deal.

Biggest QoL lesson I've learned with my Radio is to LOCK the damn settings once I'm on my comm channel for the day. Can't tell you how many times I've been trying to raise my buddy for half an hour only to realize I've smashed the buttons against something and changed the channel.
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