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Old 11-14-2009, 01:37 PM   #14
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Upland
Posts: 60
Get use to it my friends...

this is just one step in a long line of political maneuvering that will impose restrictions on any outdoor activity that involves humans enjoying nature. These bleeding heart do-gooders would sooner let a f@$k'n terrorist out of prison due to some (justified) "human rights violation" than let you or I fish in an ocean or ride a motorcycle in the desert for fear of running over some godforsaken reptile (have you seen how big the F'ng desert is - how 'bout the ocean?)

If they want to impose restrictions, how about getting these cattle boat captains and crew to stop bagging every fricken fish that's caught. Catch and release isn't in their vocabulary because they want people on the docks to see their patrons exiting the boat with a 1/8 pound bag of filleted 12" calico's.

Hang on tight all - socialism is alive and well in the USSA and we are losing our rights, our right to feed ourselves with our catch. Before we know it we'll be standing in line for a ration of tuna and a loaf of bread.
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