Thread: kage
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Old 02-28-2014, 10:13 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by bassmanben View Post
Yeah, we had a similar conversation about the topic earlier this year up in Norcal. Had to piece together why a Kage was not allowed.
Who's we? And why not piece together why a kage IS allowed?

So it says the only way that you can take any fin fish is by hook and line or by hand, EXCEPT through 28.65 (a)-(f). That's when you get to 28.65(d) -X
I didn't explain how a kage is legal to use as a gaff to take or assist in landing a legal sized fish. I just pointed out under 28.95 would make a kage legal to use in CA because you said it was illegal. I also pointed out 28.65 which you referenced had nothing to do with a harpoon, spear, or kage.

Besides, the Q&A you posted was asking about a harpoon/kage being used to land a halibut in which the answer was no. A kage is not a harpoon, but more like a spear in which the answer was stated yes it's legal to use but if under 28.95.

There's no doubt the whole regulation book is confusing and poorly worded.
Agree. Lots of wording that can be open to interpretation and lead to great debates.

Curious, did the conversation up in Norcal make it to DFW ears or a push made to make a kage legal or to use? Any word on progress if so? Would be cool if a proper fish dispatching device could be well defined and legalized for us kayakers to benefit it's use. Bare handed gill ripping and punching the bejeezus out of a halibut is getting tiresome.
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