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Old 06-15-2011, 08:43 AM   #22
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Wow, awesome experience for you and your daughter. How cool that the little one didn't panic! Thanks for the report.

From all the kayak/GWS encounter stories I've read, it seems like it all goes without troubles as you see them first. Seems like if they are in "hunt exploration" mode, they don't announce their presence.

You are incredibly lucky, very few people get to see GWS at LJ, even the guys that spend a ton of time OTW. If it happened recently, it would probably be good idea to notify lifeguards, so they're aware. Local GWS sightings always generate a buzz - last time in February someone saw 5 ft great white, and it was all over the news.
<)))< ....b-a-a-a-a
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