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Old 03-18-2006, 11:32 AM   #9
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Carlsbad
Posts: 8
DirtMeister was in a Hobie Sport, like PlasticSkipper talks about, which I also picked up used. He takes turns with his 13-yr old brother going out with me on it. They both do really well on it. He had no trouble keeping up with me, and did well in a fairly gnarly launch/landing. It's set up with a couple of rod holders and we have a gear/small fish bucket on the back. I have the bait tank (brand new internal kayatank from anglers yak shack, very cool), so I carry the bait if we need it, and I am available to help with things that might come up. So far, that has NOT included getting a monster fish onto the sport but we all hope it will soon. I read Jim's article about fishing with kids closely and I agree that I get to fish less and have to deal with more to help the boys fish, but I think it's worth it for the companionship. Plus, it's a pretty awesome shared experience with them, plus a great male bonding thing. Last time I went out with my oldest, a big gray whale surfaced about 25 yards from us - he's still stoked about that. They're even becoming comfortable dealing with wriggling bait fish! Meister at 10 seemed to have plenty of endurance and strength to keep up, so I'm impressed with the Sport as a kid platform. I think he probably could have handled it even a year ago or so.

BTW, having the boys go out with me is great as a permission-enhancement device. See, this way it seems like "good parenting" instead of "selfish b_____d always on the water."

Meister did enjoy catching the bait fish, though, so I still think he's hooked. I took a goofy disposable FILM (I know, but they do still make the stuff) camera out with me yesterday, so I don't ahve any pix to show until I get them, gasp, developed ops: but I'll take care of that soon.

The advice we got was more like "this is as boring as it gets out here, I'm going in!" j/k, Tman was cool. He took us to a spot he's ahd good luck with sand bass, trying to help get Meister some action. No joy, but nice of him to help, and lots of good conversation. Some funny fishing with kids stories, also. Good times. good times.
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