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Old 08-14-2010, 01:01 PM   #141
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Originally Posted by trob View Post
he's headed back north and checked in 3 times on the 13th?
Right now he's at one of my favorite areas to fish in Baja, I'm not sure if he's headed back or just fishing a bite. He's working a prime monster Yellowtail area right now. I'd guess he's target big yellows, amberjack, or possibly grouper, but there are all kinds of fish in there this time of year.

Originally Posted by Thresher_Cowboy View Post
Didn't take long to figure out what a dumb idea that was... Jumping in that truck probably saved his life, at least the guy knows when to quit...
The world is full of demarcations, but one of the most profound is the difference between those who do extraordinary things and those that sit on the sidelines and try to pretend they are fools for trying to do them, or that they do not know what they are doing.

There are few of the former, many, many, many of the latter.

No doubt when Columbus set out for the Indies there were plenty of guys loitering around the docks that said it was a dumb idea, or that he failed when he discovered the "New World" rather then a passage to India.

Einstein said it best:

"...Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices, but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence and fulfills the duty to express the results of his thought in clear form..."

Albert Einstien,
quoted in New York Times, March 19, 1940

This reminds me of an old debate.....

Years ago I was having a discussion about Jung's Collective unconcious with a Psychology Professor of mine. I have no issue with the theory as it was originally presented, as a biological reality, essentially instinct but my professor was of the Universal Mind, metaphysical reality, mindset. A school of thought that in my opinion wrongly interprets the original theory into a mystical thing. At any rate his idea was there was there is this field of mental energy that we all contribute to, that is around us at all times, and that all of us tap into it.

In response to this idea I said simply" "Imagine your average student. Think of how intelligent they are. Now realize that half the population on the planet is dumber then they are. If this metaphysical realm of thought exists: as you say it does, then what possible use could it be? It would be like a well of idiocy."

Too bad that was before the web (20 years ago), I could of just used the internet as an example. As they say opinions are like A-holes, everyone's got one, some are more attractive then others, and some you just don't want to see, but the bottom line is for good or bad everyone get's to display theirs on the web.

I don't know exactly what the guys up to, or where he's going next but I'll tell you honestly I've fished where he's at right now from small boats and it's an exceptional place to fish and I would love to take my kayak down there. You can sit here online and try to kick him when you perceive he's down, but I can almost guarantee you that he's probably having more fun then you are, probably the adventure of a lifetime.

I envy him, I wish I was there with him. He may not make it to Cabo this time, but obviously he has the courage, the will, the youth, and more importantly the spirit of adventure to try in the first place.

I'd say he's a lucky man on many levels


Last edited by Fiskadoro; 08-14-2010 at 01:39 PM.
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