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Old 11-03-2012, 12:56 PM   #9
Fiskadoro's Avatar
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Originally Posted by GHOSTHUNTR View Post
You might want to try DVL. I was really into....

Great post with excellent info.

I love fishing Big Baits, I know I should try the LPs but being cheap I fish mostly BBZ's and Huds.

Personally at Castiac I've had more strikes on Huds but landed more fish on BBZs

I'm a hardcore striper guy and I've actually spent more time fishing freshwater stripers then any other fish. They are my favorite fish you can catch fresh water and I've caught my share. Locally I'd say DVL is the lake to fish. The only drag is you need a sit inside kayak.

Lakes go through a cycle when stripers get into them. Initially you have a rapid growth rate and end up with a lot of big fish but then they eat through the forage and you end up with mostly smaller fish. Castiac and Pyramid still kick out a good fish now and then but they don't have the numbers of large fish that DVL has. I'd say DVL and lake San Antonio are the two best fishing lakes in California for fish over ten pounds because they aren't completely overrun yet with smaller fish.

The exception of course is the O Neal forebay up at San Luis Reservoir, because it's fed by the duct intake in the Delta it get's enough bait to produce some giant fish, and when forage get's scarce the fish head down the duct which helps keep their numbers more balanced. If you want a true lake trophy O Neal has the biggest fish, DVL is the best bet local.

That said where I want to try for them next is the Amercan River during the Shad Run. I'm talking Delta fish up to into the fifties that are actively feeding on American Shad over a pound.

One more thing for a fifteen pound+ striper anything under 12 inches long is food. That includes Largemouth, Crappie, Bluegill, Trout, even other stripers. The best thing you can do for the fishery is keep every one you catch.

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