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Old 10-17-2011, 05:21 PM   #1
Spam Sanitation Dept
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Forum problems - 10/17/2011

We owe you an update:

We did a round of updates this past Saturday, but stopped short of upgrading to the latest version of forum software - the server BWE was on didn't meet the requirements for PHP and database versions.

We had scheduled move with our hosting provider to move the site to the new server today - the newer/better/faster server with all required platform versions in check. The server move happened today, but there was a problem with the database migration, and the forum was down for the past 2 hours. We ended up manually restoring the database, and we got back in business.

Heads up: it is possible that some recent posts right before the server move today were lost - sorry, no way to get them back; you'll have to re-post.

Now that we're on the new server, another round of upgrades will be scheduled. We'll keep you posted.

All of this is in effort to tighten the ship and be able to fight spammers more affectively. Thanks for your patience while we're working through it.

Please post here if you notice any functionality problems, we'll address.
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