Thread: LJ Sunday
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Old 10-02-2011, 07:58 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 64
LJ Sunday

Parking was easy. Car was there when I got back.
Red tide. Lots of bait surfacing at dawn. However, my Saltist would not shift out of gear, so to cast I had to loosen the drag all the way, cast, then tighten before cranking. (Note to self--check gear the night before; occassionly open and clean reels). Trolled forever. One "hit" turned out to be a courmorant. I pulled him to within a rod's length of the yak, but he would not let go! I yelled, and splashed water with the rod tip, to no avail. Finally I won the tug of war. The rather large mack did not fair so well. That courmornat tracked me for about 1/2 mile, staying 10 feet way, diving to within one foot of the mack suspended over the water as I peddled away. He left when I release the mack.
Saw a female yakker take a 10-15 lb YT--about 5 other yakkers were skunked.
Otherwise a gorgeous day on the water. Oh---except for the small buoys littering the trolling lanes. Had to cut my way thru most of them. (just kidding)
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