Thread: Launch Thefts
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Old 09-27-2011, 08:06 AM   #8
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: on the road...
Posts: 598

The Guy in the gold car is a Hotel worker....they just cross the boarder super early so they dont have to wait in the huge line and risk being late. He used to trip me out, until he saw me trippin on him one morning and got out of the car and talked to me....dont remember his name but he didnt seem like a skechy guy.

I think the vast majority of these are just the local punk kids and tweekers taking advantage of easy situations, like breaking windows to steal a few hundred dollars of junk (or less), or seeing someone leave thier keys under the bumper and taking the car for a joy ride.....not the calling signs of hardend criminals/car theifs.
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