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Old 09-12-2011, 03:11 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by yani View Post
wandered around like homeless protons after a nuclear explosion.

It sux to be in the middle of the bite and not get any love from the situation.

How did my day go?

Loved it. Didn't see any fish caught, but I saw a lot of fresh fish, all green flapping on decks.

I was bummed when the wind kicked up the afternoon before, and blew throughout the night. I was sure we were going to see much worse conditions. I was stoked when I rfealised I was wrong - it was descent out there! The surf was a cake, nice conditions to fish. The wind just kicked up as the real action started.

And c'mon Yani, stop spreading disinformation.

The guy on the yellow kayak was John, not Tom. I'm glad John chipped in and set the record straight. The seal didn't pick up the yellowtail he was fighting. YT was landed, done and over with; game over. It was safely secured with game clip and hooked up to his kayak. No user errors, all tight. John is experienced kayak fisherman. He just had the tail sticking little overboard on his side, next to his butt. I didn't see it happen, but it must have been quick - one moment I see him sitting, all cool. Next thing, he's in the water.

Andy and I were the closest. We starting charging his way to give him a hand. We're trying to figure out what's going on. As I see John somewhat urgently trying to get back up on the back of his flipped kayak, not trying to flip it back up...

...I'm thinking,
you know what I'm thinking.

I pull right on the side of his flipped kayak, and I see a healthy young seal down below 3 ft wanting to tug on his hanging yellowtail. Relief! About 4 rods, all dangling down below the kayak, nicely leashed. I think the dog was intimidated with those sticks around the fish. t pulled my gaff, but I only had a short 2 fter - I couldn't reach down below to hit the fish. I finally manage to stick the fish almost in the lip. Pulled up the fish, then rods, kayak back up, John is back in biz. Sweet!

So I guess I get to gaff a fish, but couldn't catch one.

On my way back in, Gabe paddles up behind me with a green YT flapping... WTH, I don't know where I've been.

As far as Jasmin... Hail the king! NICE JOB!

It is no accident - Jasmin has always been a mighty fishy force on the water. He knows what he's doing, he's been fishing LJ for a long time. He is out there often enough to be in tune with the LJ pulse. I am stoked that he got to put Moyer Tourney win under his belt - very cool!!!

Thanks Matt, Jim and their families for all your work.
Thanks to the crew on bait boats, thanks to sponsors,
thanks to everyone who has helped with this year's tournament.
Thanks to all who came to support the event. I sure hope this won't be the last one. I was stoked to see so many new faces.

Eric, you're a class act - way to go with letting your tourney winning $$ go in to help the cause. You're setting a great example.

Congrats to all who scored this year
Hopefully, the rest of us get a chance September next year.

Here's some pics I took:







<)))< ....b-a-a-a-a
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