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Old 09-11-2011, 08:56 PM   #10
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Better Lucky Than Good - Again

My son had a water polo game at 10 pm on Friday so I ended up going to bed late with what seemed like a pretty good breeze going. Thought the weather might be up in the morning. Decided to take it easy in the morning, got up at 5:30, launched at about 6:15. Got a handfull of half dead sardines from the bait boat. Decided to make macs. Did that and put one out on 30lb with a 1.0 hook.

15 minutes later the mack got slammed, I waited for the fish to slow for a moment and dropped it in gear. It was just a little dude at 19 lbs, but even the little ones put up a great fight. I had the drag on the light side cause I was so worried about losing the fish. I landed it and asked D50 if he had seen any other fish go by. Nope. (The guy who got attached by a dog was someone else.)

So the dash was on! I was a little ways past the condo and just started peddaling as fast as I could. The adventure goes well, but it is still a lot of work to go fast. By the time I got to the launch I was seriously feeling the burn. Looked over my shoulder, nobody there. Ran to get the car. Not much of a runner, so that hurt.

Got back to the launch to see a couple of kayaks coming through the reserve, but decided I had time to load up the gear and go before they hit the beach.

Eric and Sharon made it to Kate Sessions about 10 minutes after me without their kayaks.

I really felt like this was my lucky day. I had low expectations to start out, but it turned out just awesome and I felt very fortunate.

I bought about 80 raffle tickets, and felt pretty good about myself for that till Eric (dpdivr) gave ALL his winnings back to the cause, at which point I felt a little cheap. VERY classy Eric.

Won a fishdope subscription and gave it to someone who I thought might find it more useful than I would and who's helped me a lot out in the water.

Great day, hope we do it all again next year. Thanks Matt, for reminding us what is important and enabling a sense of community develop.
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