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Old 09-11-2011, 07:56 PM   #4
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Location: Wrightwood
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My experience was great.

I picked up StinkyMatt on the way down. I had signed up to bring eggs for the breakfast and forgot to get them so after we loaded his gear I bought 5doz eggs via 7-11. Got on the fwy at 0240 with Matt saying it takes 2hrs to get to lj from his house that would put me 40min late for burritos and that was not going to happen. Arrived at the launch at 0407 (2hrs my ass), but I may have drove a little over the speed limit.

Met some real cool people at the breakfast. The guy cooking the chorizo was awesome but I didn't catch his name.

Lanched at greylight only to see a whole fleet of yaks already far past the kelp line going for yellows. I decided I would fish the kelp potholing looking for WSB only to have heartbreak about 3min into a fight. At landing I met up with a bunch of guys and StinkyMatt with a nice looking YT. We hauled ass to the park dropping Matt off 2min before the weigh in only to find out he was in 8th place.

The barbeque was cool meeting people from all over this sport including the guys that drove 500miles to make it. All day felt a sense of brootherhood on and off the water. Was a wonderful event and hopefully only more will come.

The decisions lie with the Moyer's and Im sure they will make the right decision for their family and the contest.
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