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Old 09-11-2011, 11:09 AM   #13
Homeless will fish 4 food
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: rosemead
Posts: 171
Originally Posted by The Kid View Post

Why is fishing with surface irons so addicting? Is it the insane battle with a hard fighting fish on the end of a long rod? Is it the satisfaction of hooking up on a jig that you had to buy 10 other jigs just to find the greatest swimmer? For me it is none of that. For me, it is watching your quarry turn on your jig at the sight of its wild kick, and then the explosion of water hopefully following your anticipation. This is what I live for everyday in the pursuit for the next great adventure on the water.

Now equipped with a GoPro, I am able to share with all of you the thrill of the hunt and the satisfaction of victory. I have been waiting a long time to be able to capture video of these excursions and now I am finally able to show you. It was the camera’s first day out and it’s only going to get better with more time. Now I know what I have been missing out on for the last year. The editing was a chore that’s for sure, but fun. So here you guys go! The greatest surface iron video clip ever.

Hi Kevin, that my fishing style, love 100j fishing for YT at 5'3 120 pound, on the boat they all laugh at me cause i'm a little guy with long stick, nice catch bro. Need to push YT on my yak list now
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