Thread: Freaky waves
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Old 08-24-2011, 01:54 PM   #10
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: san diego
Posts: 97
interesting. that is kind of weird... especially the part about coming from the east and pushing west. how big were they? how many? what shape?

that way you describe it, i really don't think it could be a whale. from what i've seen, whales really don't make waves as they cruise. if a whale breached you would know it.

i have seen waves way off shore on really smooth, greasy days and wondered where they came from. later i would spot a vessel that presumably made the wave. so, i think it's possible for boat waves to travel long distances (miles) when the conditions are just right. i suppose it's possible you may not have even seen the boat if it went away from you. could that have been possible at the position you were in? i know it doesn't really account for the smooth patch of water you observed though.
that's why they call it fishing
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