Thread: thnx BWE!!
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Old 07-09-2011, 01:12 AM   #1
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thnx BWE!!

first off a big thank you to all that contribute to this site and make it what it is. ive read and learned a lot since ive been here which is important to us that live 2hrs from LJ rather than 20 minutes. we have less practice and drool the most at all the fish porn you local cats post!

this is a bit late(arent they all??) but this last week has been really busy for me. now the report!

a day of Firsts for me, i had never made squid before, never even tried, was never late to fishing like i was that day, never got one on the and, well, was never THAT guy!
let me clarify, it was a yo yo iron and not surface, but still a first. THE KID has made inspiring posts and im committed/obsessed with fishing the iron, my day will come,
anyways, i overslept. meant to leave the house (in redlands) at 2am, didnt leave till 4! i had already not gone the week before due to corroded electronic wires and what not, so i went "late" anyways, i was going solo so who cared. was my day off and i was on a mission. launched at about 545 (hualed ass!) and joined the parking lot out just past the yellow bouy, saw the Outer Limit bait boat anchored then metered what i assumed was candy. made about 12-15 pieces pretty quick(i think?) and headed out. i paddled out a bit past the crowd so i could drift and not piss anyone off. had a squirt with a 1/4 oz. egg sinker up top and a white glow tady with siwash hook with a couple squirts pinned on down below, a couple cranks off the bottom. while those were soaking i was casting a swimbait for whatever else i could catch, BTW, those WAR jig heads rule. didnt lose a single one in the thick.

wasnt long before i saw some marks on the screen and my jig stick goes bendo! i lift up and shes ON! had it on my mxj and my NEW phenix rod with 65lb spectra with a short 30lb floro top shot so i let her run all the time thinking "relax, be patient" as it felt like "the right kind", after a couple runs i got it to color, turned out to be a fat yellowtail! ran a few more times and on the second pass, sunk the gaff into my First YT on the kayak, and also my PB!!!!

i was super stoked!! this has been one of my main goals since i bought my kayak in '06-07. a check off the list for sure.
as stated, i was THAT GUY, woke up late, joined the fleet, made bait easy and landed a toady YT all by 8:30 am. and it was one of the only fish i saw landed that day to top it off! that guy... made my way back slow with baits in the water just in case, but that was it for me. saw a couple dudes hooked up but no spectra, no fish for them. heres my pics!!!

id say easy pushing 30lbs. havnt seen my digi scale for years hhaha

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