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Old 06-24-2011, 04:12 PM   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 367
0-2 on the tankers but putting time in NOC

Went out for a couple hours before work this early am on the water by 7 off by 1030 went north this time out the harbor mouth first spot was about 150ft off balboa peir bait was everyyyyywhereeee was like rain out there made macs and dines real quick.

Started hopping from one baitball to another up past the Newport peir was tolling a mac on 1/2 oz lead slider with 3ft mono leader. I had another rod loaded with a light 2oz jig blue and white I fished hard bu had no takers. Dolphins came thru a few times and it was hard to keep up with them I caught a mac on the iron thought that was funny

Tbh I think there was fish around but there was so many bait balls rolling through it was just a lotto o well these skunks humble me and will make the victory that much sweeter. Lookin fishy out there I won't stop paddling so long as the water stays this warm.
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