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Old 06-20-2011, 12:39 PM   #1
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Originally Posted by Mtobolsky View Post
What a dick head thing to say!!!!! Us yakers are the ones that do all the recon for you guys most of the time anyway and you lurk for signs and spring into action when someone drops a tasty morsel of info.

first off when its that freaking busy out there you cant help but get close to a boat or another kayaker.....i was sometimes feet away from other kayaks with no tangles or any stink eye....all of us seem to be cool. in fact despite the close proximity of everyone....i didnt see any tangles or issues. come to think of it....i dont think the fish have a problem with it either or engine sound for that matter....when i saw everyone get slammed it was right next the chubasco II.....the only thing that would have happened if people were closer was more people would have hooked up. Have some respect......shit....respect us kayakers and stay off our fishing grounds

The blatant disrespect towards yakkers that I saw a couple evenings ago was pretty ridiculous. And I see it all the time. I am sick of PBs rolling right up on me if I am hooked up on something, trolling their lines within feet of me while I am trying to get a fish in. And it amazes me how often I hear pb'ers on the water talking about "I heard of a few kayak fish caught yesterday". Give respect if you expect it. If I have to paddle through a 1x1 mile fleet of 100 boats anchored 20 yards off each other just to get home (with my lines up) you can suck my left nut if you have a problem that I am there. Don't drop anchor in the middle of a circus and expect a 100 yard clearance from kayaks who have no where else to transit. You are bitching about the kayakers but saying nothing about the other 10 boats within 20 yards of you.
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