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Old 06-14-2011, 04:48 PM   #9
yaksailor's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 66
Originally Posted by tagyak View Post
yaksailer, that is a nice tank. from the pictures it looks like you ran the battery wire thru your hull? also noticed that you had a hobie hatch on it, may i ask why not run the inlet thru the scupper and up into the tank like hobies?
could you take some more pictures of your setup? it looks real clean.

Thanks, guys.

Yes, it does have a Hobie hatch and the wire goes through the hull to the one 12-volt battery. I really did debate whether to run both the fill and drain through the scuppers. I decided not to, since the scupper pump requires you to pedal forward to prime. The pump must run continuously to stay primed. Thus, you'll need a really big 12 volt battery, or a second 6-volt battery. I don't want to carry more than one battery. Plus, I want to be able to access the inlet if it gets clogged with kelp or eelgrass. A scoop type inlet seems like it wouldn't have enough screen filter area to prevent clogging (to me anyways). Also, knowing me, I would inevitably land with the scoop sticking out below my hull. If I could figure out a way to use the scupper without having a periscope sticking below the hull, with ample filter area, I might do it for Austin's kayak.

I'll try to take some more pics tonight after I get home.
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