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Old 06-06-2011, 12:50 PM   #36
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: La Jolla
Posts: 130
Bob, I ran your suggestion/questions by the crew and here's a couple of comments.....

"Citizens arrest is not the best idea..... you are potentially setting them up to nail them for unlawful detainer/kidnapping"

"No citizens arrest....that's just way too sketchy and definitely gives them lots of grounds for assault, battery, harassment, false imprisonment, kidnapping (you don't have to take someone anywhere for it to b...e kidnapping...even holding them against their will is kidnapping). Even if you can't be held criminally liable for any of those, they can still file suit against you civilly (and the civil burden is a lot lower). Best to just call the cops when they get out of hand, and let the cops handle it. And get it all on video."

Some of these freaks do this for a living. Sometimes if you just touch them they will fall down and scream assault....and their buddies will back them up with lies. They love filing false police reports
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