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Old 05-23-2011, 11:08 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by tagyak View Post
so what i am getting from this report is don't take the first fish?????? wait for the MONSTER FISH!!!! where do i need to sign up???
Asking if a client wants to harvest a fish before it's gaffed is standard operating procedure. Believe it or not, I have regular clients who only want to catch and release monster Yellowtail and White Sea Bass.

Disclaimer: I'm a catch and release angler 98% of the time. Prior to harvesting a White Sea Bass this month I haven't harvested one since March 2; my birthday fish that I posted. I've caught the crap out of them the past few months, though. The only thing more exciting than gaffing a monster--- is watching them kick off strong to fight another day.

"No congrats or great luck from me to Josh or his clients, but instead "great return on your investment." Specifically to Josh w/all the non-client times you spend on the water to keep in tune to the conditions. On too many days this year I could only get down when the conditions weren't right, still I see Josh making a quick run to the grounds in the PM for just a quick reconnoiter for his clients scheduled for the next day.

The other huge plus for the YT is his use of a kayak that allows him a line of site higher out of the water to spot the fish. For those of us whose eyes are burnt out from years on the water &/or on low to the water kayaks, we are at a definite disadvantage. The few days I have been able to get in the right conditions this year, I have had to blind cast on the area where he is pointing them out to his clients. For this reason my next kayak will be one I can standup on.

** And no I am not a client of Josh's nor am I trying to get a deal on a new Hobie. I am just pointing out that luck isn't the issue; time and experience on the water, and the proper gear is. ** Now if the we are lucky enough for the weather to clean up during the good tides I know mother Gaia will shine her face on me and release to me her bounty from the sea." [/QUOTE]

All this time I thought my kayak was designed for flat rivers, lakes and streams. It's obviously too large and heavy to surf launch and land on a regular basis. Not to mention, I'm sure it's too slow to cover the great distances required to consistently catch Yellowtail. I've heard from so many guys that it's not a kayak designed for the big-water. And who am I to say that those guys don't know what they're talking about? Move along folks---nothing here to see.
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