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Old 05-20-2011, 11:53 AM   #4
Heroes on the Water Staff
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Anahiem
Posts: 176
I think the main problem we have is that we are fighting against something we will have a hard time overcoming. We are lobbing rocks at a castle! They have tons of money and connections. WE need to bring the fight and our enemies to us, have them ask us for the solutions. WE all need to unite and then wage our war.

Basically anything to do with money is on a budget. They are given budgets to hire people take care of business, educate, who knows money is used for everything. As far as businesses operate they work in Quarters so if the fist quarter shows they have little to no money coming in then they can't very well spend any money in quarter two.

It would be impossible to predict if we were causing the money loss or if they are just not having people pay for fishing licenses because there is no where to fish.

I am not saying we don't continue our court battle, or propose better alternatives to MLPA. But Money is the real #1, not families, not liesure, not health of our fish, not food.... JUST MONEY!

Right now it seems like we have a few groups fighting battles, all doing great and well but still only chipping away, becuase we have to head out to battle as opposed to them coming to us.
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