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Old 05-20-2011, 11:09 AM   #1
Heroes on the Water Staff
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MLPA and Fishing License

This might come of as ignorant but I am just asking the question.

If most anglers boycott buying a fishing liscense on the idea that we need to fix the MLPA problems wouldn't that force the fish and games hand to get rid of the MLPA? They would go broke awfully quick if even for a few months in the new year we didn't pay the rediculous prices to fish.

Think about it. They keep raising the cost and we keep paying. Used to be us ocean guys could pay just for ocean. Now you have to pay both fresh and ocean and soon we won't be able to even fish in the ocean.

My idea is to have everyone boycott for at least a few months, even talking about it would cause some changes I bet. Most people don't fish the first of the year anyway. I am not saying we won't end up paying our fees eventually but if they took that hit and couldn't pay their bills then that is when the "blank" hits the fan.
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