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Old 05-20-2011, 10:05 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Deamon View Post
I can't imagine not using the paddle (rudder only) in the 2-2 1/2' foot breakers when coming in.
I concur. I keep pedals bungie'd and rudder up for launches and landings. There isn't enough steering rotation with the rudder down and on any day with decent wave size I often need to paddle-pivot at least once on my way in to break through a wave that I would have otherwise caught (and most likely subsequently rolled). I've tried 'side-sliding' a wave in with the pedals and rudder down. It just doesn't work on anything but ankle-slappers (it rolls when the rudder digs sideways). And I've tried outright surfing down wave faces up to 4ft and it doesn't like that either no matter how you do it So for the Hobie I just keep the gear up, paddle like any other fishing kayak and avoid catching a wave at all costs.

Seems many guys just pedal their way to the beach every time though and they do just fine!
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