Thread: Sierras Again
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Old 05-17-2011, 10:27 PM   #1
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Sierras Again

Sorry about the smiley faces, I wrote the report on MS Word, and I don't know how to get rid of 'em.

Every January I can’t help it. I know that in about 4/5 months I will be fishing trout up in the Sierras. I know that is a long time, but it is definately worth the wait. There is something about enticing a feisty trout that hasn’t seen a fishing line for months.

Just got back this weekend from one of my trips up there this year. Fishing was excellent (100+ fish for the weekend), Company was great (Daughter + Wife), and the Eastern Sierras Never Dissapoint (Have you seen this place!).

Hope you guys like more Pics than words

Day 1
Drove up the 395. Stopped at cottonwood, just to break the skunk.

The drive up

First trout of 2011! A stocker, but 2 lbs+ and good enough for dinner later that night

Stopped in Bishop for cheap gas @ the casino, went with the daughter to look @ cows. Probably her highlight of the trip.

Our destination. I highly recommend it. For those of you that pray, Dale, the owner, has been battling cancer, and chemo has been taking a toll on his body. Pray with your families for him.

Next morning I launched the Yak @ June Lake. Launch is free, but watch out for the surf

Alone on the glassy water for 2 hours

So nice

Hint- Look for these

Cool Spot

In the Afternoon I went to fish Rush Creek. Rush connects Silver lake to Gull lake and beyond. The fishing @ Rush Creek was Phenomenal this year. All Good grade fish. While I’ll take a 50 lb wsb any day, I’d gladly pull on one of these full tailed pitbulls in current to fill the time…

Natures Stringer


Later that night I launched again @ June. Weather was coming in, @ June I usually know what weather looks like. Tonight is was rain. Fish aren’t scared of the rain, but my camera was.

Next morning, I knew weather was coming, but I launched @ Grant anyways. Every lake in the loop is practically this easy to get the yak to.

1 fish before the 30 mph + 40 gusts blew me off the lake.

After I got blown off, I went to the shelter of Rush again, and it didn’t disappoint. This is one of my favorite stretches. Make a cast just a little off your mark, kiss your $4 panther martin goodbye (I lost plenty). Make the right cast, BOOM! A fish every time. 4 lb test with a pissed off fish in that current is no joke.

Later that day, wind was still howling, so I took the family into Mammoth. This is what @ family photo looks like in 40+ mph wind @ Twin Lakes.

I really only went into Mammoth to knock another species out. Brookie @ Lower Twin- Check!

The days get a little fuzzy, but I think later that afternoon I went to Lee Vining? Maybe not. Either way, here is a pool I pulled a bunch of fish out @ Lee Vining.

Even later that afternoon I took my daughter to the park @ Gull lake. 2 min from our hotel, can you beat that view?

Side story. My daughter decides that Sierra vacation is a good time to dislocate her elbow. 11 o’clock pm visit to the E.R. in Mammoth and, whahla! 1hr later, and a skilled Dr, and she good as new!


Next morning we wake up to falling snow. This is what my car/yak looked like.

Model status.

That afternoon I drove up to rock creek with the intention of Ice fishing

The weather had a different idea. It was seriously blizzard conditions. 40+ mph wind and driving snow kept me off the frozen lake.

Tried fishing the snowy Rock Creek for no luck. The fish were there, but not hungry. Probably the low pressure? Either way, I’ll take it. Where else would you rather be?!?

On the drive home I swung by Convict to take a pic. Haven’t yakked it yet, but it’s on my list. Snow still falling…

Later that night, I launched @ Grant again. IMHO, Grant is your best shot @ a trophy fish in the loop. Big Browns cruise these waters, but they are smart.

Shout out to my BT Bros

I got snowed on. Low pressure + snow, shut the fish off. One small fish on the big plug an that was it for me.

Next morning I fished Rush, then took the fam out for some scenery.

Did some offroading

Went for a walk in the cold

Last day it was a little cold

I fished Rush again. Rush was good again. This is what a trout tail looks like.

One of Rush’s great runs

Time to head back down the hill. Gotta stop here

Picked up a few fish on the way back down. Browns are so friggen cool to me. Here is a juvi

A Teenager

Bigger (Kept this one cuz she ripped a gill)

This one is my favorite. Caught her from sex pond (named by a good friend that accidentally stopped here to get lucky with his wife). Nice colors, feisty fish, truly special.

Stopped one last time to play @ a park with the daughter. She LOVES swings. I LOVE fishing, so I pulled one last fish literally out of the sewer.

Here is what meals in the sierras look like.

For those that fish Irvine & the local lakes, I’d put this on your “to do list”. It truly is a special place.

Thanks for letting me share my trip.

Tight Lines,


Last edited by steveooo; 05-18-2011 at 08:54 PM. Reason: smiley removal
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