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Old 05-09-2011, 11:42 AM   #1
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LJ Conditions has it all wrong, Clipboarders are good

As for the conditions today they are not good, white caps and big waves at launch.

In regards to the clipboard ladies they are just trying to get data on fishing activities and it is good to report all fish caught especially baitfish. Last week a Mackerel fishery conference was held at Scripps and the lack of reporting of Mackerel landings by recreational fishermen made the scientists report that we hardly catch any Macs with all the hours of sportfishing logged in our local waters. The 1/2 days boats don't bother reporting Mac landings either so the data shows not many Macs caught in the local waters. If we don't let the scientsists know how plentiful the various species of Macs are around here they will have justification to place limits on these specieis.

The graduate students that are trying to collect data have nothing to do with the MLPA process they are accurally trying to help us. The more fish we report the better picture we paint of the very healthly local fisheries that we have in our area. If we under report to these dedicated folks that are just trying to do a challenging job we play into the hands of the MPA pormoteres and the "all oceans are overfished" folks that want to shut us down.

My commerical fishing client that attended the meetings at Scripps last week is the one that suggested we need to make proper reports even with the fish we release so the scientists cant' say that all these guys spending lots of time fishing our local waters are not catching much fish at all. If we don't report our landings proeprly they don't know about all the fish we catch very single trip.

Don't foreget to turn-in your WSB heads to Hubbs as well. The scientists at Hubbs are trying to help us as well. Not all scientists are in the pockets of The Packard Foundation.

Last edited by kurtfish; 05-09-2011 at 12:36 PM.
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