Thread: Hobie Revo
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Old 04-24-2011, 06:28 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by jorluivil View Post
This is one of the main reasons I'm considering the Outback. About the only similarity between hooping and fishing is that you're on the water. Much like fishing the placement of your gear is not only paramount to ones safety but is also the key to a successful bug hunt, I don't like to be fumbling around with gear at night, the more you move on the yak the greater your chances of tipping. Every time I went bugging I came home and realized that I need to tweak this, move that, add this and buy that and having a yak that limits your ability to take what you want can be the difference between a day of limits and a visit to the Ol'e Skunk factory.....just my $.02
I spent the last month of this bug season hooping on the Revo. And like you, every post-bugging session was a tweak here and there. I've got the Revo set up just about how I like it. I only use 4 hoops, and I'm not sure I will go to 5, but I don't think that is a big loss.

A couple things to keep in mind if your buying the yak with a heavy lobster season in mind. I only went in the bays and jetties for hooping, never out in the open (say LJ).

The Revo is 28.5 wide at it's widest point. Storing your nets will only be in the front or back, where it's even narrower. I carry mine on the front, where the Revo measurements are between 10"-24". Consider that the hoops are 36" and yes, the Revo is a bit tipsy. ( another reason I'm only carrying 4 nets).

If you go with the Revo, I'll PM you my setup to give you a head start on your setup.

Good luck with the decision.
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