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Old 04-22-2011, 12:24 PM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 84
ok just sent this comment off to them.Take five minutes and send one too

Your support of the mlpa does nothing for "sustainable seafood.What does help is good science and limits on the catch of impacted seafood.
so quit trying to help your bussiness by being "green" (aka stupid) and look into each case before making a decision.
The mlpa will close down some of the prime recreational fishing spots where california anglers target specia that are not in any danger of being over fished.We as lovers of the ocean environment will support good science,reduced bag limits,catch and release only,and total protection for certain specia.
We have in the past supported and implemented legislation to restrict our own catches.This mlpa is nothing but killing the fly on your child forehead with an ax.It 's proponents ,when done with this,will come after supermarkets and their sale of meat.Yeah go ahead and laugh.Forty years ago people laughed when people like me said that you wouldn't be able to smoke on the streets of certain cities in california.The people supporting the mlpa are nuts with a lack of common sense and ZERO SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE.
if you lay down with these dogs you will get up with fleas
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