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Old 09-17-2006, 02:10 PM   #1
Jimm H
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Rancho Bernardo-San Diego
Posts: 117
Big Flatty-- Late Report from Saturday

Pictures will have to follow, but the jist of it is my biggest Halibut ever yesterday at 36 lbs and 45"!

Launched in the dark at 5:15 and headed to the pier to join an eventual hoard of guys. No bait under the lights, so I figured to beat it out to the point before daylight, make bait at the kelp, and fish first light.

Everything went well, except the making bait part. Then, hardly anybody follows out, so I figure I must REALLY be out the wrong direction. At 7, I turn back north, and make the paddle back to the pier. Along the way, I get to see my old FND (still floats!), and Cabo Rick, out by the corner buoy. I tell Rick that it's either greenies at the pier or early breakfast for me.

Lucky me, Ifind greenies still at the pier, so I restart my day (now 8 am) and head north with a full load, one bait up, and one down on a 2 ounce egg sinker.

About 9:30, the down line goes off. Big YT? too easy to retrieve... it feels like kelp with a head shake. About 15 feet from the boat this BIG, brown splotch appears... nah. it can't be.... but it is. At 5 feet down, he wakes up, and busts back for the bottom. We play the up and down game three times and he come all the way to the yak. This boy is HUGE. I figure I'll stick him quick, and do, but it just pisses him off-- he goes nuts-- jumps the gaff, and down he goes again. (Glad I baked the reel off before I gaffed him)

Two more elevator trips and the fifth fime he is absolutely calm when I stick him. I'm praying out loud now as I untangle my knot of a nylon stringer, and gingerly thread the needle end thru his mouth and gill. I then double wrap both ends around my right hand twice, like I'm bull-riding, and take the gaff out of his side. He goes nuts again, thrashing in the water next to the boat, and soaking me. But, after about thirty seconds, he's worn again, and I can tie him off.

Nice end to a bad start!

Pics as soon as I upload them.

Jimm H
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