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Old 04-18-2011, 11:28 PM   #12
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Seven minutes from the launch!
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Well, yeah...kind of...

After all the Yellowtail and White Sea Bass I've caught, this is still my favorite fish and photo. As a matter of fact it's been my screen saver since I caught her. She gave an incredible, trophy fight, and I'll never forget the sight of her at color.

To be quite honest, after catching a few in the forty pound class prior, I was terrified when I saw her below the kayak. All fish look bigger when they're 10' below, but she looked silly at depth. Subconsciously, I think I was hoping she would freak out and buck back to the bottom and cut me off or something. I'll just say I wasn't looking forward to sinking the gaff.

I guess I'm as retired from Halibut fishing as I am from competition. After all, every day you fish is a competition if you asked me; a competition with yourself and all the variables associated with the ocean.

It's a shame Halibut don't put up much of a fight; until they're huge that is. Well, at least while they're on the line anyway. I don't think it's a secret; I'd much rather catch White Sea Bass and Yellowtail.

I just want to get nervous when I see a fish at color again---like old times. Let the games begin!
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