Thread: Spooling a Reel
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Old 03-25-2011, 09:23 PM   #5
Fiskadoro's Avatar
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Originally Posted by pistolitas 13 View Post
You can put the line yourself but if you do that, the spectra wont be super tight. You want that line tight otherwise it will grind down the line before it spools out and that can create some serious tangles and chances will rip, I know this from experience
Spool the line on your reel, tie the end on a old empty reel like a 6/0, reel it all on to to that reel, set the drag on the 6/0 to a few pounds of pressure and reel it back on your original reel tight. This is not brain surgery but if you want to pay good money just to make sure your line is tight on the reel bring it by my shop and pay me the difference.

I mean when you can buy most power pro under eighy for under a $100 for 1500 yards, how could you possibly justify spending $14-$16 per 100 yards roughly twice cost just because you want your line tight on the spool.

If you want your line tight...well duh put it on tight. That's the bottom line.

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