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Old 03-03-2011, 06:40 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by THE DARKHORSE View Post

Then came the stresses of daily life; gray hairs a plenty---and bills out the wazoo. I don't know about you, but it's sometimes a challenge to smell the Roses through all the bullsh!#. And I find it highly unlikely I'm alone in that regard. I don't care how optimistic you are; there's just hoops 'a plenty to jump through in life. It's a glorified rat-race on most days; and don't expect a fine piece of Goat-cheese at the end, either. Ah, such is life!

The real kicker, as if time slipping away isn't enough, you know what makes my blood boil more than anything? : now that I'm old---partying hard, driving fast cars, chasing loose-women and spending money like it grows on trees isn't in vogue anymore---WTF! Apparently, there's these terrible afflictions known as moral obligations, prudent actions during tough times and dare I say, responsible life choices.
Happy Birthday, Wait until your my age, then talk to me!

Our generation thought nothing of getting up at 0'dark thirty to go work, the new generation doesn't think much of it either - LMFAO!

I completely comprehend the rat race bullshit...Sometimes I go to bed in one country and wake up in advice, for what its worth: Life is short, enjoy it - chase all the tail you want, albeit yellow, brown, white, dark, or tan, but hunt it down and enjoy it...and catch fish or two along the way. Best of all, grab a couple beers and share memories with those of us who are stuck in the everyday grind!



Bad decisions make great stories!

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