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Old 03-01-2011, 01:05 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by GregAndrew View Post
After a year and a half of reading just about everything I can get my hands or computer screen on about Halibut I will tell you there are lots of great ways to fish for them. And lots of respectable authors that dole out lots of contradictory information. You need to tailor your rod, reel, line, tackle and bait around the place and way you want to fish for them. Some guys move around a lot and some guys will focus on a spot all day. Some guys like a good drift and others prefer to remain nearly still. Some like real deep and others painfully shallow. Some prefer to be entertained by hooking fish all day and others are only looking for one big bite. There are sliding sinkers and sliding trap rigs. Trebble trap rigs, single trap rigs and no trap rigs. Skirts, hoochies and naked bait. Bounce ball, Spreader bar and Spider rigs. Any number of live bait choices. All of these things work when used in the right combination and some will even work in the wrong combination. The main thing is that you have to pick a style that you are comfortable trying for hours on end. And don't write off any options just because they did not work today.
I would agree with all that. You have no doubt heard of "match the hatch", well with halibut you have to match their pattern, moods and behavior.

I've had days where the only way to hook fish was a dine on single small hook on a long ten pound leader letting the fish run with the bait for seemingly ever, then I have had days where the only way to catch them was fishing trap rigs with the reel in gear, Other days when it was ll dropper loop fishing, and even days where all that worked was plugs and plastics.

You've no doubt got it down Greg. The key is adapting to the what the fish are doing then sticking with it until you get the quality fish your looking for.

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