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Old 02-27-2011, 05:57 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Regor View Post
Only problem is you just don't get the deal you think with this seller on eBay.

Yep, he's got a bunch of Rods for sale, but his last Sabiki rod sale ended with a bid of:

$40.99 + $12.00 (shipping)

Guess that wasn't enough for the seller cause they automatically listed it for sale right away.

He's not reselling it just listing more of them.

He's sold 23 of them so far all but two sold for 30 bucks or less most for 28-29 dollars.

He's got possitive feed back on all but one of them, back in June he sold one when he was out of stock and sent it delayed. I'd say he's a safe bet.

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