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Old 02-21-2011, 08:56 AM   #1
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SD Bay Skiffs - 2/20/11

Sorry this isn't a kayak report - I had a camping trip cancelled with some friends due to the weather. Since we had arranged to hang out anyway I suggested we fish the bay out of some skiffs. So we rented the dirty old red seaforth skiffs and motored for North Island. The conditions were crap! Cold water, outgoing tide with a NW wind. I tried moving us a couple times but then one of the crappy boats crapped out. The motor was dead and we spent an hour trying to revive it. I called Seaforth and eventually they were cool about it. They came and got the wounded boat and we all moved into one skiff (four guys).

Anyway, we caught 2 bass, 3 lizard fish and one thing that I had not seen yet in the bay - Angel Shark. My buddy caught it on 4# and a plastic MC bait. The thing was dead weight and wouldn't budge so I coached him to stay with it until it came up. After awhile I thought he might have the bottom but there isn't much down there to get hung up on. Then when it started to come I thought halibut, and once I saw color on it, I put down the gaff and was thinking shovelnose and then horn shark. It was a cool looking animal and around 25# with crazy teeth. I grabbed the tail and we took some photos and a video of the release.

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