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Old 02-17-2011, 12:20 PM   #11
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I mentioned previously about the time that I spent down at G and J st fishing the piers as a kid. Every now and then, one of us would have a rod ripped right off the pier and it wouldn't even hit the water for a good 15 or 20 feet. My buddy and I would look at each other like the loch-ness monster just went by. We started loosening the drag, and we'd get to keep our fishing poles but the second you set the hook you would get busted off or spooled. I've seen it happen a half-dozen times and we always assumed it was a big shark or ray. I suppose you could take a 4/0 out there with 50#, but then you're really getting looks from people. Heck it's only 15 ft at the deepest spot around there. It's cool stuff though when you are a kid, really gets the imagination excited about fishing bigger water.
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