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Old 02-09-2011, 10:40 AM   #11
Currently @ MLO Territory
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Originally Posted by dos ballenas View Post
In Southern California we only have to worry about Great whites for the most part. Unfortunately socal is home to a large number of immature and juvenile GWS. Fortunately, when they are small these sharks are mostly fish eaters.

That being said, if the young ones are born and grow up here then the mammal eating mothers must also be here. This may cause some concern, but if you run the numbers, the probability of getting attacked by a shark on a kayak is very, very, very low. How many shark attacks have you heard of in socal? Compare that to how many people go swimming, surfing, kayaking, etc.. everyday in socal. Of course the chances go up if you spend more time OTW. Not to mention that GWS populations are slowly growing.

If you're worried about sharks, then you might as well stay home and never leave your house. Its more dangerous crossing the street to get a donut. I'm personally more worried about the 16 year old that just got their drivers license...

That being said, shark avoidance is a great idea... but then you have to think about why and when most shark attacks occur... Most of the time shark attacks are a case of mistaken identity.... most of the time they occur in murky water with low visibility. Most of the time GWS are ambush predators. So how visible is a kayak, or the color of a kayak, in dark, dirty water? Good question.

In regards to color preference when using irons or jigs IMO: color matters, but the action or way the jig swims is more important. The action is a combination of the jigs shape, and the fishermens presentation. Many people say size doesn't matter... whats important is how you use it. IMO, I think size, color, and action all are important. But they are not equally important.

The only shark attack I can think of that occured in socal was a case of mistaken identity in low visibility water which leads me to believe that the shark was keyed in on the action of the swimmer and not their color...

The fact is that GWS are all around us all the time. If they wanted to eat humans they wouldn't have any problem doing so.

Just go fish... you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.

Yes, it is a very very low chance. you are more likely to get in a car accident and probably the same percentage as getting struck by lightning.

Just like we have to drive to work and put on our seatbelts and just as we make sure we carry a spare tire. This is just like going into lion territory, you just want to play your cards right.

No doubt all of us love to be on the water, thats why we are all here. Some of us just like to take more precautions than others. Some of us drive a huge Hummer while other drive a smart car. How protected are you?

If someone wants to be camoflauged, while other want to go in a bright red suit. To each his own.

I had a red tandem for a long time and never got bothered. Was I more of a target that another color, i don't know. Do i want to find out? no...

Last edited by wiredantz; 02-09-2011 at 11:55 AM.
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