Thread: Dog Beach
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Old 02-07-2011, 08:52 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by dsafety View Post
If you plan to launch there you would be better off launching into the river outflow side paddling over the gap in the jetty and out the channel. A little extra paddling but no risk of big surf.

I fish point loma a lot and in in my opinion this is not a good idea. You can not always paddle over that gap, you then have your car in OB and then what? You have to climb over the wall or go through surf to get back and as already said outside sets if you have to come in on dog beach. There also can be pretty good currents from the outgoing and incoming tides right there. If you launch from mariners basin that would be about the exact same distance paddle and you would not have to hop over any wall or worry about surf.

You can also launch south of point loma pier when the surf is down but yes, you must be comfortable in the surf as there is a pretty good rocky reef there you don't want to get dumped on.

Kallogs street is a good option, you can pick up bait on the way out then fish the point while it is still open (this area is on the MLPA chopping board). I have found if you time it so you come back in an incoming tide that trip is much more enjoyable.
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