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Old 02-05-2011, 08:42 PM   #5
Fiskadoro's Avatar
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Originally Posted by wiredantz View Post
I didn't want to kill the fish before my kids and wife got to see it, so i put it in my bait tank and drove all the way home. I asked my wife prepare the and she told me she was a city girl and didn't know how kill a live fish. So i grabbed a wooden plastic hammer ( the one used to install wooden floors and wakked the fish between the eyes. (I see videos on you tube of people stoning their fish on their kayak) In the videos I always see the fish get knocked out, but no matter how hard i hit it would keep wiggling. So I sharpened the knife and cut the mouth and took out the guts, and that fish still wiggled a little.
Too funny... Sounds like fish torture

This reminds me of the first time I took my old girlfriend Susan trout fishing.

She caught a nice 10" brown and a few minutes later I saw her swinging it like a club beating it's head against a rock, it was a bloody mess and still kicking. I said: How would you prefer to die, passing out in bed from slowly asphyxiating or having someone beat in your head in with a hammer?

After that she put her fish in the creel.

Congrats on breaking your curse. Back in the mid 90s I had a yellowtail curse where every yellow I hooked for about a year I lost to structure kelp or tangles. It took the most powerful force on the planet to break my Yellowtail curse. Thank God for El Nino~.

Keep fishing you got bigger and better things coming.

Oh and by the way did you catch any macks..I need some hoop bait.


Last edited by Fiskadoro; 02-05-2011 at 08:56 PM.
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