Thread: "That Guy"
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Old 02-02-2011, 01:16 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Matt View Post
I'd say this simply if you think your doing something wrong ya probably are.

Common courtesy goes a long, long, long way with everyone be it skiff guys, kayakers, commercial boats, sport boats etc....

If you see someone fishing just off of the kelp please don't paddle between their boat and the kelp.(they may have a chum line or having been fishing that area for hours and you can scare spooky wsb's away with paddle strokes or a plop of an iron) Yes this may mean you have too paddle a bit farther, but it will pay off as your own fishing area will be respected.

Don't approach boats via the stern as chances are that, that is where they may have a majority of their lines at times.

A good general rule of thumb is too never fish within iron casting distance of another boat or yakker (at times it's hard and spots will be packed full, just use common sense and courtesy as a good guide).

The trolling line ideas listed above and avoiding tangles are pretty solid rules of thumb.

If the fishing is in super tight quarters with boats or yaks it's never a bad idea to say hello and ask if they are ok with your distance from them.

You don't need a guide although it can be quite helpful ya may just wanna read through some of the how to articles from guys like Pat, Iceman and Brian on the oex page and give it a go yourself. Also use the search function and read, read, read!!! There's a ton of info available on this and other websites that you'll find very helpful!!

Also don't report other peoples fish this is seen as a huge DO NOT by most.

Lastly A little common courtesy and respect goes along way towards possibly getting passed some live bait or intel freely. It also may help with avoiding tangles and if your fish does tangle an anchor line or wrap a lobster buoy you may find a helpful fisherman more than willing to give you a hand. Also if ya see someone on a fish and you have lines down ya may want to reel them in if his fish is pulling him towards you as then a tangle is possibly avoided and that act of courtesy will probably make ya a new friend ( I know I'd certainly say thanks and introduce myself, I also know a friendly smile and wave goes a long way in general boat or yak)

have fun fishing!!
I think this pretty much covers it. I have seen a few posts that covered parts of what you stated but you stated it all. Good job. For sure if someone catches a fish, for sure don't post up their fish unless they say it's O.K. and it's a part of YOUR report for the day. That person may not want to report that fish being caught.
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