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Old 01-31-2011, 11:07 PM   #15
Fiskadoro's Avatar
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Originally Posted by mtnbykr2 View Post
whatever....a sliegh ride is a sliegh ride isn't it?
I guess to some...

I don't know Dude... I mean I suppose it could of been anything, you want to say it's a black that is fine by me. Just trying to pass on some actual info on what you guys might expect to hook there. I guess it all depends how you look at it, but for me when I see things like this I try to figure out what he actually might of had on. Totally self serving if I thought C-bass were in there I'd be loading my fishing yak, not hooping yak on the truck today.

From his description it sounds he was fishing Venice reef or the inside edge of it. Sounds like the New Del Mar hit it right before him which since they are fishing bass not butts pretty much confirms he was right on the reef.

In the past that area has kicked out some quality fish: Some big halibut, an occasionally quality White Seabass or two, but they are usually on the outside edge of it. It tends to get over fished. The MDR boats that have been fishing it are catching bass and sculpin right now with no halibut or Seabass in their counts, and since they hit that spot every day, that would suggest he hooked something else.

Personally I have fished that spot a lot. I hoop it, have kayaked it (went there on my first trip) as MDR is my home port. I've skiffed fished it a bunch, and since I also used to run a 56ft sport-fisher "Alamos" out of MDR I used to hit it with the big boat, so I actually know that area and reef pretty well. Basically it's the closest structure to the harbor, and usually the last place I'd set up a few drifts, on the way home.

If I had to call it I'd say he hooked a couple of big leopard sharks as they sometimes come in thick there and I have caught back to back big leopards there in the past.

I mean really it's no big deal to me, I just looked into it because I was wondering If I should take a rod and stay a little later next time I hoop the place.


Last edited by Fiskadoro; 02-01-2011 at 03:27 AM.
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