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Old 01-30-2011, 07:45 PM   #6
Olivenhain Bob
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Here is some information for those who may want to have a discussion with the FOS folks down the road.

I grew up in La Jolla. There were no seals or seal lions at the CP during my time there. It was a wonderful protected beach that was great for... well, children. I learned to snorkel there and at the Cove.

There is a rock a few hundred yards up the coast called Seal Rock. There is a reason for this name. That is where all the seals hung out. I can't remember if the were seals or seal lions back in the day but they hung out there because no one could get close enough to bother them, (including the occasional California Grizzly Bear I assume).

Some people say that the harbor seals that are there now are the descendent's of some injured animals, rehabilitated by Sea World. I am not sure if that is factual, but it could be. Most of the pinnipeds that I remember being in the area as a kid, were sea lions.

The CP was constructed way before my time and I have no idea what the beach looked like before the wall was built. I can assure you that it was never a seal rookery, however.

The next time someone wants to get into a discussion with one of the FOS folks, maybe you should ask them if they can provide some shred of proof to back up their claims. I am certain that when pressed, these folks will start blabbering nonsense.

Losing the CP is a tragedy for the coming generations. It happened because the City of San Diego was unwilling to spend the money needed to return the place to the pristine state that it was in before the seals moved in, as they were ordered to do by the courts.

This is a lost battle. I have no hope of things ever returning to its former state. That doesn't mean that we can't still have some fun harassing the FOS folks.

Count me in.


Last edited by dsafety; 01-30-2011 at 08:14 PM.
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