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Old 01-30-2011, 09:50 AM   #2
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I had my girls down at the childrens pool area last summer and listened to the information, er, mis-informatiom the FOS ladies were giving out. I suppose thier little speech might go over with people who knew little or nothing about seals, the ocean, marine biology, or history. Thier's is an emotional appeal that works great on people like them. They can not understand how or why you could disagree with them because they know they're right. The FOS rep told me that seals have been pupping on this beach for thousands of years. I said that the childrens pool beach was an artificial construction that is not very old. She said there was a beach here before the sea wall was built and the seals used that beach for thousands of years. I pointed at the California flag, you know, the flag of the "Bear Flag Republic" and told her that grizzlies used to roam all over our state, including our beaches, and that seals would never pup on a coastal beach where bears lived. She looked at me with a superior patronizing look on her face and told me I didn't know what I was talking about. Ya right, that must be it. Great job not letting these wakos drive you off your beach. Mike
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