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Old 01-26-2011, 05:15 PM   #18
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Well said Andy... You're not "stand up and say Andy" without a reason.

Sure it's bad, but for all of us SD locals, and specifically with La Jolla, it could have been much, much worse. I truly believe had it not for the kayak fishing community persistent and outstanding efforts during MLPA meetings, that map would have much more red in it. I can't thank enough to everyone who has been helping the MLPA battle.

I wish folks up in Laguna or Malibu had the kind of "luck" (if I may even call it that) that we kind of ended up having with La Jolla. Seeing where "the other side" was coming from, I was worried it was going to be way worse.

With that said, it is not the end of the world, and we've got to move on. People lose a dear person, family member, husband or wife, some people lose a friggen country, and still find away to move on with their life. It's fishing, we ought to be able to survive this one, We'll just have to look for them someplace else.

What is really disturbing to me is how there is really no review / evaluation spelled out process or measurable benchmarks for MLPA. Once put in gear, it will probably be here to stay. Stay for good.
<)))< ....b-a-a-a-a
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